Saturday, November 24, 2012

Nursing routines and schedules

I follow the school of thought that babies should feed on demand and lead their own weaning process. This was really easy to do before I went back to work. Now that he is getting older, I am starting to think about how this can change. But there aren't a lot of resources for baby led weaning nursing schedule adjusting.
At 8 months, our nursing schedule is this:
On demand throughout the night
Between 9:30/10
(Eats dinner with us around 6)
Bedtime - around 7:15 again
When I am at work, the 9:30 feed is a bottle of expressed milk. Because I work, we do have to be on some sort of schedule during the day or everyone ends up cranky. The trouble is trying to now add in more mealtimes for him because I am starting to see signs that he wants more food during the day.
Lunch is easy as there is a big gap from 12:30-3. But, I am worried that it will lessen his nursing- even though I would especially love to combine the 3 and 5 feeds into one at 4.
Breakfast is tougher because his dad wants me to do it before I leave for work at 7:35. This means he has to nurse earlier when he might not be hungry yet.
And of course, then I have to figure out foods for those times. I see why many moms automatically default to Gerber. It's tough trying to figure out and plan this stuff!

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